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Life & Work with Kiana Renee of Raleigh

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kiana Renee

Hi Kiana, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
My name is Kiana Renee also known as Craziiki, I’m a poet, performer, published author, and philosopher. I started writing in fourth grade, my mom would buy me small notebooks and I would turn my dreams into short chapter books. I took part in my school plays and poetry recitals, my favorite poem to recite was “If” by Rudyard Kipling. When I got into High School I focused more on sports and poetry became an outlet for me.

As an adult I turned my passion for poetry into, not just a business but a career. I created my first book of poems, Mature Emotions to be my first tangible product and to introduce my philosophies to the public through relatable and provoking emotions and words.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Being vulnerable is never smooth, and purposely doing so takes a lot of courage. There are many obstacles an entrepreneur faces when running a business alone, but for me I struggled the most with how those that are closest to me will feel while reading my vulnerable moments.

I faced many burnouts, from putting the book together, then rereading it thirty times for editing. Once published I was so proud of myself for creating it, I forgot I had to then market it. All while trying to get booked as a spoken word performer, which is what I loved to do the most.

I can confidently say there were plenty of times my head was spinning and I questioned myself is this what I want to do. However I had to remind myself, while yes it is a lot of work. I will never stop performing and I will never stop writing, so why not keep going.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am known as the philosophical poet, I study many philosophies but I specialize in Hermeticism. I create poetry on everyday events, whether it is emotional or informational. But I insert my philosophy into it as I believe having mental awareness on how and why things are, it can be changed through thought. Which can be very impactful from one person to the masses.

I chose to speak through poetry, because it is a condensed form of messaging filled with metaphors. One of my core beliefs is that all lives are formed differently and we are the creator of our world. My poetry allows someone to read it through their perspectives and paint their own picture based on their own experiences, keeping it truly authentic.

I told myself I wanted to be a famous poet. I was told poetry is just an outlet for people while there are millions of “poets.” However, while there are many people who can hold a tune, there are singers who became famous. I have a message that I want to get through and I believe I have the voice to make an impact, so if there isn’t a path to become a famous poet, I will make one.

What matters most to you? Why?
People having mental freedom. Most of our actions and situations are real only through social manipulation. I chose to practice hermeticism because it changed my perspective on everyday events and gave me the ability to be aware and use its principles to create a new belief system ultimately creating a new reality. I believe the more people who can become truly mentally free and help others achieve the same, we will then see a shift in community growth and peace that is not based on overcoming struggle.

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