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Daily Inspiration: Meet Apryl Dannemiller

Today we’d like to introduce you to Apryl Dannemiller

Hi Apryl, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
According to my mother, I announced when I was 3 years old that I was going to be a hairstylist, and never changed my mind.

I’ve always been interested in not just the beauty industry, but self expression. I’ve always enjoyed helping people push the boundaries and express themselves in a way that helps them to feel the most authentic. It’s incredibly gratifying! I started working with vivid colors right from the beginning, and 23 years ago, it wasn’t as widely accepted as it is now. Finding clients was hard, but I learned a lot about putting myself out there so they could find me, and boy did they! In 2012 I started a business that eventually grew into 2 hair salons, in these years, I also became a Reiki master, a shaman, and incorporated my tarot reading skills to offer a blend of these into a hair healing experience for my guests. in 2020, I decided to drop back down to 1 salon. Over the next couple of years, I decided it was time for a change, and bring my focus back to the work and myself. I’m so glad I did!

These days, Rytual N.C. is a private studio in Wendell, NC that my husband and I tirelessly worked to build, Here, I strive to bring a hair healing experience to my guests. I’ve expanded my menu to offer crochet method dreadlocks, as well as temporary installs. Locking the hair is a journey and commitment that I absolutely adore to walk with my clients through.

My love sits in color. I’ve done countless hours of continuing education to build my skills as a colorist, because I want to provide my guests with their dream hair come true! One of the greatest feelings in the world for me is to see my guests face when they see the finished product in the mirror. My goal is never to make someone the most fashionable or socially acceptable, my goal is to help them find the most creative and authentic ways to express themselves through the medium of their hair.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I wouldn’t call it a smooth road, as with anything worth doing, there are obstacles. I’ve moved a few times and had to start from scratch 4 different times in my career with 0 clientele, that’s a frustrating space to be in, especially before social media was the powerhouse it is today, it could take years to build a steady clientele of people you vibe with! 2020 was probably the biggest challenge, as most small business owners will also tell you. I kept showing up to learn the lessons, allow the obstacles to make me stronger and smarter, I’ve always found peace in my work, even when things are hard.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Color color and COLOR! It’s the language of my brain. I speak it, dream it, live it. The bolder and more creative it is, the better! On a more subtle note, hair… whispers. It gives to clues to a person, tells you about their health, their stress, their needs. I think that’s one of the things that sets me apart from most other stylists, is that I listen to it. When we can heal part of ourselves, it can ripple effect into the rest of us, it’s got to start somewhere! When I can help someone fall in love with their curls, or cut their hair after a big loss, or grow out their grey because they want to be more authentic, or create locks for them to begin their journey with, or boldly take up space from the second they walk in a room because their hair is so rad, that’s when I feel true satisfaction in my work. It’s so much more than hair.

What makes you happy?
Just being part of someone’s journey brings me so much happiness. When I’ve heard from old clients or coworkers or employees, that maybe we’ve gone separate ways for whatever reason, and they tell me I made an impact on them in some way, I know I did my job. Leave everyone better than when you found them, that makes me so happy because, it’s not about the hair, it’s about people.

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