Today we’d like to introduce you to Tangye Middleton
Tangye, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started out serving in my local church, Freedom Temple the Cathedral of Grace in Raleigh NC under the leadership of Bishop Gerald Sylver and Pastor Sarah Sylver. They were very passionate about community work and shaped the ministry around it. During my tenure there, I got involved with coordinating outreach activities for the local community and teaching an array of classes centered around Discipleship and Parent Involvement. I always sought to bridge the gap between local ministry, the community while also dealing with issues of justice. Through that work, I ended up furthering my education through Duke University where I received my Master’s of Art in Christian Practice and finishing up my Doctorate in Ministry. My educational journey further expanded my view of the church’s role in issues of justice in the public square and the importance of teaching a liberative gospel. During this time, I taught GED classes at a local prison where I witnessed much despair and the need to offer transformative ministry to those living on the margins. That passion for helping those in vulnerable spaces followed me in my current work at Craven Community College. At Craven Community College, I manage the HRD department in Work Force Development where we provide short term training skills to those who are unemployed, underemployed, justice involved or those who simply want a career change. Through my personal consulting business, I provide ministry consultation for those who seek leadership training, grant writing, structural supports, and a litany of other services. For me, all of what I do is through the lens of ministry.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Some of the challenges along the way have been trying to help people to embrace change and reimagine what ministry, life, and work could look like. It’s difficult to move people out of their comfort levels into uncharted territory. I have also faced challenges with sexism and racism. It’s difficult being a black woman with a higher level of education.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
My work is so diverse. I work in Higher Education at a Community College but I’m also a Public Theologian. However, my passion and expertise is as a Ministry Consultant. As a consultant, I provide ministry training, on-going monitoring and assessment, structural and procedural supports, and a litany of other services. I am also an Itinerant Preacher where I travel preaching, teaching and providing workshops on various subject matters. I currently work alongside of BCBS as a partner within their Faith Based initiatives and provide Grant Writing workshops to the Nonprofit sector. Through all of these various avenues of work, I find find pleasure in them all because ultimately I’m helping people and shaping the world around me. I’m able to do this because the lens in which I view everything is MINISTRY!
What do you like best about our city? What do you like least?
I like the quietness and the family atmosphere here in New Bern. I have challenges with the slow pace of industry and growth in diverse jobs. I really dislike that there isn’t much activities and programs for children in the city.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @TangyeMiddleton
- Facebook: Tangye Middleton
- LinkedIn: Tangye Middleton