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Exploring Life & Business with India Kershaw of Sims and Kershaw Realty/Kershaw Realty Group

Today we’d like to introduce you to India Kershaw

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Little did I know that my spark for all things real estate would come at age 10 while my entrepreneurial parents were building our home from the ground up. The fire would then be ignited through a series of family trials and tribulations ultimately resulting in a forced relocation and having to adapt to a new normal. It wasn’t until years later that I discovered these experiences would be the catapults for my success in real estate, so let’s go back to where I thought it actually began.

Unlike many college graduates, by my junior year I thought I had it all figured out. I was already working part-time in my major at a radio station and had a promised full-time job upon graduation. Then real adult life set in exactly one month after I graduated and started my dream full-time job that I worked so hard for in college. The station unexpectedly (to me anyways) flipped which meant one thing, I no longer had my dream job. This was my first personal taste of not having any kind of control of my career. This was where the entrepreneurship seed that had been planted by parents was being silently watered. I floundered and attached myself to many other jobs trying to find that quintessential “good job” with benefits, good pay, and a promise of career advancement. When I first met my husband he jokingly coined me as a career cat, having dozens of job lives. However, he also pointed out that they all have given me valuable skills and insights that have provided my edge as an entrepreneur.

Fast forward, in 2008, I entered into the real estate industry via property management. I quickly moved up the ranks in record time going from leasing agent to marketing director of a new acquisition in Illinois and then promoted to property manager in Cary, NC where I then finished out my property management career managing several properties in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh. After taking about 2.5 years off from property management, I worked in corporate and a non-profit. I was quite miserable to be honest and was praying to God for my next and hopeful final move. The answer felt as if it took an eternity to come but in July 2013 I finally answered the call that had always been inside of me and took my real estate pre-licensing class. In October 2014 I earned my real estate license and finally made the jump! I have been on this exciting, sometimes overwhelming, but truly fulfilling rollercoaster ride ever since.

After working at a couple of local firms trying to find my footing in this competitive environment, in 2017, I co-founded a local boutique real estate firm, Sims and Kershaw Realty. We have proudly serviced the Raleigh-Durham and surrounding communities through honesty, integrity and client-centered practices. Being a co-founder of Sims and Kershaw Realty has been a catalyst in the success of my personal real estate career. So much so that as of January 2025, I will officially launch my own brokerage, Kershaw Realty Group (KRG). KRG will provide an even more elevated and client-centric experience throughout Central and Eastern, NC.

To bring that spark that I felt 30 years ago full circle, I still get that excitement when I show homes to my clients but it’s that fire that keeps me going through the challenging times and has formed my true WHY. The first part of this WHY is the freedom and autonomy I have as an entrepreneur to run my day to day business as I desire and to serve my clients at the highest level. The second part of that WHY that fuels the fire comes from the burning desire to restore and provide homeownership and wealth to all those who desire to have it and teach them how to retain it and benefit not only themselves but generations for years to come.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
One notable struggle that actually took me to the next level was when the firm I was an agent with went bankrupt leaving me two weeks to figure out what I was going to do next. This blessing in disguise pushed me to co-found Sims and Kershaw Realty which turned out to be the best thing I could have ever asked for.

TV and social media makes this career look like it’s nothing but stilettos, luxury cars, the finest clothes and big checks. The truth is that’s a tiny percentage of the total of real estate agents across the U.S. and a good portion of them did not start out that way. Working in this industry adds a whole new meaning of it takes money to make money. As a real estate agent, you work totally for free until the deed is recorded and your check is deposited. Talk about working and walking in faith.

I balanced part-time jobs in the real estate field the first several years of being licensed to supplement my income while building my clientele and experience. I will honestly say it was not until I fully committed to it full-time that I saw a significant increase in my business and income. There is really something to fully trusting God and removing the proverbial safety net and showing true faith.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Our mission to all of our clients is to deliver an exceptionally tailored experience from beginning to end. Our goal is to ensure our clients feel seen, heard and well-informed every step of the way. We strive to keep education, integrity, and unparalleled communication at the forefront of everything we do. This ensures our clients fully understand the process so that success is inevitable. It’s always been extremely important to me that each one of my clients feels like they are my family friend and not just a deal.

It’s a great feeling to see that with each passing year my personal book of business has been exponentially built on a solid foundation of referrals. This provides confirmation that I am holding true to my mission and that my clients know that anyone they connect me to will undoubtedly have an enjoyable and successful experience.

We proudly assist clients with residential and commercial purchases throughout Central and Eastern, NC. I have a niche for investors and have become known as an investor-friendly agent. My experience in property management has helped immensely with calculating net profit and identifying value add projects for investors and has become a beautiful sweet spot for me over the past several years. First-time homebuyers make my heart sing as there is such a unique and special feeling that comes with helping someone locate and purchase their very first home. I have been making an entry into the commercial real estate space over the past year to help position the launch of my new firm as a one stop shop for all those looking to build wealth through real estate.

Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
Being under the guidance of mentors and coaches has changed my mindset and business significantly. It has been one of the best things I could have ever done for my personal growth and the growth of my business. It’s absolutely true that if you invest in the right coaching/mentoring program and actually implement what you learn, you will undoubtedly receive the return on your investment plus some.

It’s cliché but true, the work starts and ends with your thoughts. Just as Henry Ford said,
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” As an entrepreneur, your business hinges on your thoughts. It’s freeing and frightening all at the same time, lol.

When looking for a mentor I would highly recommend you look for someone who you can actually align with on a personal and business level. Earlier on in my mentoring/coaching search I joined programs that did not reflect who I truly was. I thought because they had the numbers, the raving fans and the outward facing business that I wanted, they would be the ideal choice. However, their strategies were not aligned with my soul or personal mission so naturally I could not successfully implement what they were teaching.

While it’s important to take into consideration what others are saying about the mentors/coaches you are interested in learning from. I have learned it’s all about how you connect with them and ensure their strategies align with your ultimate personal and business missions. Trust your gut when making these investments into yourself and do not get pressured into saying yes.

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