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Exploring Life & Business with Raven Martin of Wearing My Truth

Today we’d like to introduce you to Raven Martin

Hi Raven, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am Raven Marten, a living testimony to the power of selflessness and the gift of life. My story took a sudden turn when a mysterious illness led me to a diagnosis of liver failure, leaving me in desperate need of a transplant. Through the generosity of a stranger, I received a life-saving liver transplant that transformed my future with gratitude, hope, and meaning.
The moment that phone call came at 2 o’clock in the morning, my world changed. The selfless gift from my donor gave me a second chance, a promise I vowed to honor and cherish. And out of this life-altering experience, I founded “Wearing My Truth,” a business dedicated to helping transplant recipients find living donors through QR coded shirts. These shirts make it easier for individuals to ask for the help they need, bridging the gap between those in need and those willing to give.
In just a year, my vision has reached people in 1/3 of the country and internationally, spreading hope and awareness in places like Wales and Berlin. Life looks different now, filled with purpose, connection, and the unwavering belief in the gift of organ donation.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Navigating my journey was far from a smooth road. Physically, I battled with fatigue, jaundice, and an unbearable itching sensation – signs of the liver failure caused by my Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis diagnosis. Mentally, the reality of needing a transplant to survive weighed heavily on me, constantly pushing through for my family while grappling with my own mortality was a struggle. And emotionally, accepting that my life-saving transplant meant someone lost theirs was a profound realization I had to come to terms with.

We’ve been impressed with Wearing My Truth, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I started Wearing My Truth to assist transplant candidates in finding living donors using QR-coded shirts. These shirts simplify the process of seeking help by conveying their need and specifying kidney or liver transplant candidacy on the back. The QR code leads to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) living donation website or can be personalized to a transplant hospital or personal site. While other businesses cater to this niche, I stand out by offering shirts for both kidney and liver transplant candidates. My brand has touched lives across the country and internationally, connecting me with individuals in need of support and guidance. Having experienced the struggle of finding a living donor myself, I aim to improve outcomes, spread awareness, and facilitate transplant processes through my business. Visit my website,, to learn more about my mission and to view my shirts.

Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Absolutely, I’m passionate about risk-taking, especially when it comes to making a positive impact. One major risk I took was founding Wearing My Truth. It involved stepping into the unknown, but the rewards have been incredible. These shirts have touched lives across the country and even internationally, spreading awareness and hope.

I believe risk-taking is not just about stepping out of your comfort zone, but about creating meaningful change. Through my work, I’ve learned that taking risks can lead to profound outcomes and connections. Whether you see yourself as a risk-taker or not, it’s about having the courage to pursue what matters most to you.

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