Today we’d like to introduce you to Karla James Noland.
Hi Karla, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
I established Reveal Heal Thrive LLC in October 2020, after the untimely passing of my mother. When I picked up my mother’s belongings, I experienced a self-realization moment in how I would live my life from that point forward. I spent much of my life holding on to pain, trauma, and anger. As part of my healing process, I recognized I was merely surviving in life but was not thriving. I wanted to live a more purposeful life and let go of any attachments that no longer served me. Over time, I turned my adversity into opportunity.
I took the steps to heal my trauma through therapy so that I could pursue my love of helping others reach their goals by becoming a certified Personal Development and Executive coach. I share my story to inspire others to give themselves permission to live their best life– professionally and personally.
My forthcoming book and bereavement journal, “The Day My Heart Turned Blue: Healing After the Loss of My Mother” is written for people reeling from the death of a parent and needing encouragement to help them move forward. Release date: November 2021.
Subscribe now to the Reveal Heal Thrive blog for the latest updates and get inspired on topics centered on personal development, mental health, and living your best life. https://revealhealthrive.com/blog
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My life has been full of obstacles and challenges. I had to work on rediscovering the essence of who I truly am outside of pain and trauma.
I used to wear pain as a badge of honor and tied my identity to it. I had a psychological badge for every traumatic event that had ever happened to me, and I didn’t have enough room to hold all of them: Pain Badge, single mom badge, unemployed and pregnant badge, childhood trauma badge, and martyr complex badge.
In order to heal, I could no longer shackle myself to the ball and chain of pain, I had been dragging around all those years. I had to ask myself, “Who could I become on the other side of my healing process?” I needed to shift my mindset and break free from my self-imposed shackles by taking the time to heal and bring more joy into my life.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Reveal Heal Thrive Personal Development Coaching is rooted in Positive Psychology and Positive Intelligence and seeks to inspire working mothers to give themselves permission to pursue their goals and dreams.
Our goal is to build confidence, provide clarity, and increase capacity with each breakthrough that happens by helping women combine their unique superpowers and values to achieve their goals. Positive Psychology focuses on an individual’s character strengths and behaviors, which allows them to build a life of meaning and purpose.
Positive Intelligence is the science and practice of developing mastery over your own mind so you can reach your full potential for both happiness and success. Positive Intelligence (PQ) is based on breakthrough original research by Shirzad Chamine and synthesis of recent discoveries from Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, and Performance Science.
As a Personal Development & Mindset coach, I understand why only 20% of people achieve their true potential. I help working mom’s who seek relief from anxiety and fear, which prevents them from moving forward in making bold decisions to prioritize themselves and live out their dreams. Rather than coach the symptoms, I leverage my Mental Fitness training in Positive Intelligence so that I can work with them on the root causes that sabotage their desired outcomes.
Reveal Heal Thrive offers the following services, packages, products, and merchandise:
1. Mindset Fitness Program: Six weeks group coaching focusing on your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset.
As a foundation for our work together, you will see immediate results if you are ready to be coached, flexible and open to change, and willing to put in the work in between sessions. You will also have the option to continue to grow in the program. Your Impact: peak performance, peace of mind/wellness, and healthy relationships
2. One-on-One Personal Development Coaching in the areas of grief, confidence, spirituality, resilience, public speaking and presentation, and lifestyle.
A. Laser Coaching Power Session: One-time 45 minutes coaching session which gets straight to the point on a specific challenging area of interest. Ideal for individuals who have one or two concerns who would benefit from a Personal Development coach who will ask powerful questions to challenge and support the client in identifying, exploring, and narrowing options for a solution.
B. The benefits of coaching build over time. In order to make this experience as valuable as possible, I have created a minimum coaching package of three months with all my clients with a six-month option.
3. Speaking Engagements: Topics on my personal story of resilience and healing to inspire others, how to disrupt negative thought patterns, and public speaking and presentation skills.
4. Reveal Heal Thrive Personal Development Coaching Journal is available for purchase. This personal development journal keeps your vision in front of you as you explore opportunities and address the challenges you are facing in order to reach your goals.
5. Reveal Heal Thrive Merchandise: T-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and bags centered on healing and living your best life!
Our coaching sessions are confidential, a judgement-free zone, and a safe space in which adheres to the International Coach Federation (ICF)* Code of Ethics. I am certified as a Personal and Executive Coach through the Coaching & Positive Psychology Institute, which is accredited by the ICF.
* The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.
I believe overcoming trials and tribulations has made you resilient and made it possible for you to manifest your purpose through your pain. Maybe you’ve lived in survival mode and believed the lies you’ve told yourself. You’ve held onto the false narrative that it’s too late, you don’t have what it takes, or you’re selfish to pursue your dreams. I’ve been there. I put everyone else ahead of me and forgot who I was until I got help. If this is your struggle, I can help. Let me teach you how to give yourself permission to hope, dream, and achieve your goals.
Learn more at https://revealhealthrive.com/coaching and sign up for a complimentary coaching session which offers the opportunity for you to discuss your current needs or challenges and what you want to see happen next.
Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood memory was racing the boys in my neighborhood. I would give them a head start and still beat them. Ha! The fun I experienced in racing the neighborhood boys fueled my love of competition. After high school, I landed a Division 1-Track and Field scholarship to Louisiana Tech University.
Contact Info:
- Email: karlajnoland@revealhealthrive.com
- Website: https://revealhealthrive.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/revealhealthrive/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RevealHealThrive/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/RHThrive
Image Credits
Elizabeth Ashley & CO.