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Life & Work with Lola Banjo of Raleigh, NC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lola Banjo

Hi Lola, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
What began as small gatherings in local gyms, dancing with friends after a Zumba class, or attending dance classes hosted by other dance instructors in the Chicago community at the time, gained traction as word spread about the events’ fun and energetic atmosphere. Seeing the positive impact on the attendees in terms of fitness and social connection inspired me to create World Rhythm Dance Party, bringing the vibrant rhythms and cultural diversity of dance styles from different parts of the world, with a focus on the Afrobeat genre.

Building a dance fitness community required organizing events and fostering connections between dance enthusiasts and professional instructors. I contacted dance instructors across the United States, inviting them to collaborate and teach at my events, each bringing their unique styles and expertise. From 2015 to 2020, before the pandemic hit, I’d like to think that the community formed by my dance events grew stronger with each gathering, driven by shared enthusiasm and a collective commitment to empower each other through the joy of dance.

Fast-forward to 2024, and now relatively new to Raleigh, my goal is to rebuild the vibrant dance fitness community I started in Chicago, here in the Triangle area. By leveraging the experience and network I once developed, my goal is to not only host dance classes with me as the instructor, but also reconnect with passionate instructors and connect them with dance lovers in the triangle community in a post-covid world, to create an inclusive, energetic environment while promoting overall wellness and joy through my dance classes.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I’d like to say it has been a smooth road. However, some major struggles are securing the right venue–finding a small or large space to accommodate attendees, the right location, and cost can take a lot of work.

In addition, breaking even to cover related costs such as venue rental, instructor fees, and promotions add up quickly. Fluctuating attendance definitely impacts revenue, making it challenging to predict and manage financial stability.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
By day, I am the Director of Marketing Communications for a national consulting firm, where I strategize and implement marketing initiatives to drive business growth and brand recognition.

By night and on weekends, I am just a dance fitness enthusiast dedicated to empowering and connecting people through the joy of dance.

We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
Even though I love dance fitness and enjoy teaching Afrobeat/Afrofusion classes, I am shy and often feel uncomfortable being the center of attention. The energy and joy of leading a class are incredibly rewarding, yet stepping into the spotlight challenges my natural inclination to stay behind the scenes. Despite being very shy, the connection I feel with people attending my classes and events and the opportunity to share the benefits of dance fitness motivates me to push through my apprehensions. Teaching allows me to grow personally as I learn to embrace vulnerability and build confidence.


  • My classes are $20/class and in advance.
  • Late registration are $30/class at the door.

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Image Credits
Photo by: Ava Seenarine at Mirage Media

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