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Meet Alli MacDonald

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Alli MacDonald. Alli was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented christina kirkey.

Hi Alli, we’re so thrilled to have you sharing your story with us today. Maybe we can kick things off by having you introduce yourself to our readers? We’d love to have you go into your story and how you got to where you are today.
I landed in the beauty industry at a point in my life where I was simply trying to find something to do “for now” while I attempted to get my head on straight and really decide what I wanted to do with my future. There was so much pressure to go to college. Which I did do! Twice. And well, I dropped out…. twice. I used to find so much shame around this, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was bartending and desperate to get away from that lifestyle, so I got myself enrolled in a program at the Aveda Institute and got my license in esthetics. I started working as a skin care professional the minute I could. Once COVID hit, it was game over when it came to getting up-close and personal, which was my entire career that I had just settled on. I got lucky and the salon owner I was working for at the time gave me an opportunity to start learning the behind the scenes of running a salon. Little did I know she was setting the tone for exactly where I was supposed to be! I moved out to Southern California and worked at a spa, learning more and more about the industry and the business but realizing I was not meant to be in a quiet spa environment. I packed my bags and took on Dallas, Texas, where I somehow landed a job working at the official salon of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders! Fast forward a year, I made my way back to North Carolina. The job hunt was not an easy one. After 3 months and over 70 applications, I was pretty discouraged. I had given up my search for a management position in a salon until I got a message from Christina Kirkey, Owner of Pinup Studio. She was looking for a salon coordinator and the position sounded too good to be true, especially after so much searching. I honestly believed it was spam, so I ignored it for a few days. I revisited the message and decided to actually do my research.

PINK. EVERYTHING. PINK. And that was NOT my thing but I wasn’t about to let that turn me away. Looking at social media and their website, I had to say I was intrigued. I knew if their pages actually reflected who and what Pinup was, that it was the spot for me. My first interview Christina confirmed that. It was more like a phone call catching up with a friend. I was determined to let her know as much as possible that I wanted the position. I was immediately welcomed into Pinup’s little family with open arms. The culture and the way Christina has built love into her salon is magic. One year later, I am happy to continue to call Pinup Studio my work home!

Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
This industry can be competitive and ugly behind the scenes. It’s easy for old, outdated habits from salons before us to linger and put up roadblocks for growth and change. The beauty world is forever exploding with new knowledge and technology, challenging us to think and work differently than before. It’s easy to get left behind in everything new. Working for someone innovative and open-minded keeps things refreshing and exciting. At Pinup, we get to come into work every day knowing this team is working to break those old habits and write a new story for salons and their reputations. But Pinup Studio isn’t just a place of business. Pinup is a place where you can come as you are and be exactly who you’d like to be without judgement. We are constantly doing our best to grow as people along with the business. We focus a lot of energy on personal development, which is something that has always resonated with me. Just like the industry we’re in, there’s always new things about ourselves to be learned. It’s refreshing walking into work every day knowing that I am a part of a team where I can be myself. We love one another without condition and push each other to be better versions of ourselves every day. I will not sit here and say anything about management is easy. Trying to understand the balance of work and self is always a challenge, and one I’ve faced plenty in this position. I strive every day to create a positive and fulfilling experience for both the team and our clients. I give myself grace where I can and do my best to remember I am human. My goal is to always come from a place of good intention and to learn to lead with compassion. There is nothing more rewarding than watching a deserving and talented team shine, and I’m part of that every day!

christina kirkey and Pinup studio have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about christina kirkey and Pinup studio and your experience with them.
Christina found me when I was in a really tough place. I was going through a lot of changes and didn’t know who I was or who I wanted to be. When I researched her salon there was an immediate warmth I could feel around the whole concept that was spot on. Shout out to my gut! I have never encountered a more caring and giving business owner than Christina Kirkey. She invests in her team like no one else. The love and compassion she surrounds everyone with when they walk into her business is unmatched and could give anyone the space to be successful. The biggest lesson I have learned since working alongside Christina is that vulnerability is strength. It’s important to create an environment where both the team members and clients feel comfortable and supported, and that’s exactly what she’s done. She encourages open communication and has built a culture of trust and authenticity throughout the salon. It’s amazing what can happen when your employees are happy where they’re working, and I believe that’s a huge part of Christina’s success.

Pinup Studio has flipped my mindset on the beauty industry completely. While there are still unideal environments out there, Pinup has shown me it’s possible to wake up in the morning and love what you’re doing. Christina has managed to create an environment where your dreams are just as important as hers, where you are meant to believe you are capable of achieving those dreams. I hope I can help shape structure to shift Pinup forward in all the right directions and continue to grow this empire of love and beauty by Christina’s side.

Instagram: @_allimacdonald

Image Credits
@cherielynnphoto @brandiebairdphoto

1 Comment

  1. Ernie MacDonald

    July 9, 2023 at 11:54 pm

    Ally I am so proud of you, and the woman you have become! You have always been strong keep up the fantastic journey in Life! love your Dad!

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