Today we’d like to introduce you to Rianna Munn.
Hi Rianna, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
I started my business L.L.B.C0 in March of 2020. It is a clothing brand that caters to every size, gender, and ethnicity. It was towards the end of my senior year, and I wanted to create something that would be bigger than myself but also create opportunities for me to help my family and provide others with the space to embrace themselves. I’ve had a few setbacks financially and personally with the business. Starting college, running a business, and working throughout the peak of COVID made things hard to jump off. So, from time to time I had to set my dream on the back burner to focus on school, work, and help out with my younger siblings back home. Fast Forward to today 2022, I am still pushing forward to finish school while expanding my brand. I’m still having rough moments, especially financially but keeping faith and making the most of the journey is what is helping me pull through.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has not been a smooth road for L.L.B.Co (Live.Love.Beauty.Company). I’ve went through being scammed by vendors to still fully funding the business through my personal money to having to apologize to customers because I simply can’t ship out their orders because of shipping cost. And even currently from having to take a step back to help my mother financially after a car accident and me being at risk of losing my first apartment because of not having enough funds for rent. This is not a smooth journey at all for me but I’m keeping my faith with god and praying that things get better.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Well like I explained before this is a clothing brand most known for our hoodies, graphic tees, and bathing suits. I collaborate with my graphic designer Roshawn Hayden; he’s amazing artist and we are old classmates. He’s the only person I trust with my designs. The designs we come up with are more of the cartoon, edgy, unique style. Something that I am most proud of when it comes to the clothing and artwork is how much time we put into it, it is a not a fast job we usually go through a lot of rough drafts til we finally end up with the most unique version. Something that sets L.L.B.Co apart from others is that it is strictly family-based and when I say that I mean every detail, piece or promotion I do. I always try to include my family and friends. The pictures you may see the models. Everything. Of course, when I expand more in the future, I will hire people outside the family but overall, everything is family oriented.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
Some good luck that has played in my personal and business life, this that I am almost finished with school and that school has allowed me to showcase my talent to others and network and create bonds with amazing people. Especially other young entrepreneurs. I have received incredible feedback and critiques from others that has allowed me to grow. On the other had some bad luck that has played in my life since I have started my business was the amount of loved ones I have lost to death and the financial downfalls I am dealing with at the moment.
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